Stepping out of the box and creating a better solution to the same problem is one of our strengths. Joe co-founded CHOICESS at the beginning of his dedicated journey of supporting others. CHOICESS is a nonprofit Corporation that provides support services to persons with developmental disabilities. Joe’s goal is to provide opportunities to those who want to live, work and socialize in communities of their choosing. He reaches out to families that want to get started in providing their loved one with an independent lifestyle and an independent choice. Joe is tireless in his search for community support persons for each and every family/individual he works with.

    Joe has a unique talent and ability as a mediator in today’s community. He is the caretaker of the often tense and complicated emotions that block effective communication between family and friends. Joe brings every single person in the room to the same level of understanding, making it a positive and productive environment for the individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.  Joe always puts in tremendous effort and heart to not only secure the best match in direct support and accommodations, but also facilitates communication amongst family members and the individual with developmental disabilities. He reaches a deeper level and asks the person what he or she really dreams to achieve. Joe makes those dreams a very near and dear reality for these people. He brings life, laughter, and an incredible work ethic that is contagious to the workplace.

    Joe can help your family take the next step of your lives and provide a transition that is not only seamless but filled with care and heart. Connect with Joe and start your path!

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